Business Mision


For the last 10 years, Indonesian businesses are going through a period of extreme change that influence our business mission. Now, costumers are more demanding that affect the nature and intensity of business. In response, our company is being pushed to re think, re formulate, and re organized our fundamental way of doing business.

Companies today must be market oriented in order to survive. Market demands a good quality products, competitive price, and good service standard. All of above will become our business mission to give our customers good quality products with competitive price, and good services.

Another business mission driven by the Globalization. Company must look beyond their regional geographic boundaries for growth, in contrast competition now comes from all parts of the world. That makes company face an increasingly complex and broader market with many stronger competitor.

For us, business has become more dynamic, more diverse, more complex, and more competitive. In addition, the level and speed of business have escalated our company philosophy “It’s about Quality” is the best way to answer and face the business today.


Our business mission is dedicated to achieving a worldwide and local growth that is greater than it’s competitors.

We wish to become:

  • more brand leadership
  • more price efficient
  • more creative
  • more attractive
  • more constant and focus on making paper & stationery product series